louis-félix binette

Entrepreneur, Consultant, and Public Speaker in Montreal, Québec, Canada

louis-félix binette

Entrepreneur, Consultant, and Public Speaker in Montreal, Québec, Canada

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Entrepreneur, thinker and creative strategist, Louis-Félix Binette is putting collaboration to productive use. Through his work with management consultancy Escouade génie collectif, he helps business and NGO leaders design collaborative experiences and flexible structures that engage multiple stakeholders in innovative and sometimes disruptive projects. There are always a few other business and community projects that he is working on.

Age 40, Louis-Félix speaks five languages, and is a young philanthropist, engaged notably with the Centre du Théâtre d'Aujourd'hui and in Haïti.

He sits on the Board of Directors of the Institut du Nouveau Monde, a not-for-profit whose mission is to foster public participation and citizen engagement. He is Chairman of Travelling, who distributes Québec’s best shorts films around the world. He is the cofounder of the Montréal chapter of CreativeMornings and also helps run F*ckup Nights. He is the co-creator ofConnexité Montréal, a data-driven citizen innovation process, as well as coordinator and founding member ofLa MAIN, Québec’s Network of Innovation Accelerators.